Can you pay me....without working for you

:-). That's exactly what i feel these days. Just want to sit at home without work but still earn money. Not that I don't like my job anymore, but the desire of not working is stronger than ever. The struggle to start the day is greater and always looking forward to evening, when I go home and do nothing. I guess not doing anything and sitting at home would surely be boring. But this is how i feel these days. On the lighter side I told my dad "Both of us will retire together" :-).


Rohith V said...

Oh! tell me all about it.

I have been feeling the same for many years. But a small variant.

I want to still work and work really hard but other kind of work. Like say, get into journalism or do politics or photography and traveling or become a teacher or some such stuff.

Bharath said...

Yes man, I've also been thinking..Journalism is a wonderful wonderful profession